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I May Have Been On Vacation, But My Mind Wasn't

Posted by 40deuce on 8:21 AM in , , , , ,

To bring people up to speed, I just spent the last month in Thailand and Laos after completing my masters down in Australia. Now I'm back in my home town of Toronto and ready to get my life going again.

While I was travelling though, I couldn't help but wonder (and maybe worry a bit) about my future. I just spent the last year and half learning for my new profession, public relations. Now it's time that I need to put all that learning to good use and get myself a job. The problem is, I have so many questions about this new life of mine.

When you decide that you want to do something like PR there are many subsequent questions that come up that I now have to weigh options on and make some serious decisions.

  • What kind of PR do I want to do?
  • Do I want to work for a specific company?
  • Do I want to work for a government agency?
  • Do I want to work for a large PR firm or a small boutique agency?
  • Do I want to specialize in social media (which I do seem to favour) or do I want to try and encompass many faculties of the industry?
  • If I do want to specialize in social media, how can I put my expertise onto a resume despite my lack of actual social media work experience? (a full blog post on this subject will follow soon)
  • Because I got my masters, should I still be looking for internships or can I just try to find a real job out the starting gate?
  • What's the best way to go about finding myself a PR job?

And those are just a few of the questions I have racing through my mind right now.

Lucky for me though, I'm not currently unemployed while I try to answer these questions. I was very fortunate that my father's company needed some help, so I'm working, but it is not in my chosen profession. I will however be trying to answer these questions and find a job in my chosen profession while I still make a little bit of money.

I'd like to hear what other people may think about some of my questions here. Especially if you're a seasoned PR vet, I'd love to know what you think about some of these things. So please leave a comment here because any form of guidance I can get would make my day.

Also, keep your eyes here and watch for this blog to become much more active as I settle back into real life.

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