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Go Ahead, Tell Them... Tell Them All
Posted by 40deuce
12:26 PM

One of my favorite things about social media is that it opens the world up like never before. It makes it easy to find and communicate with people anywhere in the world. It also opens you up to meeting and engaging with people you would have never had the chance to before it's invention. It makes the previously impossible possible.
Because the possibilities are endless through this new medium, I decided to try and make the best of that situation. You may be asking yourself what exactly I mean by that? Well let me explain a bit.
Last week I decided to update my Twitter bio. I didn't change it all that much, I just added the simple line "seeking work" after where I stated I'm a Master in Professional Communication. Doesn't seem like a life changing event, I know, but perhaps it could be.
I know the first thing I do when I get a friend request on twitter is I go look at the persons bio. I'm sure most other self respecting twitter users do the same. I also get added by a lot of social media and PR types, which just happen to be the fields I'm interested in working in. So, I figured if these people are going to look at my bio, why not let them know that I'm currently seeking a position? What's the worst that can happen, someone may know of something for me??
As well, while it may seem like some sort of strange self-promotion (and I suppose in a way it kind of is) I also try to mention in some way or another everyday on twitter that I'm on the hunt for a job. I don't ask people to throw things at me, but just because of the relationships I've managed to build with some people they do, and greatly appreciate it.
The way I see it, we've all used social media to connect with people we never would have had access to before, be it celebs, the upper-executives in companies, other people in our industries from all corners of the world, and we did it for many reasons. One of the main ones I did it for was because I love to network. I love to meet and talk to new people (both on and offline). If one of those people wants to help me out, I say let them. I'm always willing to lend a hand and help others out as well if I can.
I'm not going around begging for people to help me, but just by letting some people know what I'm doing they're willing to help me out out of their own good nature, and I love that. So I figure, why not let everyone know what I'm up to?? Some people will act on it and some won't, but it never hurts to try.
I also encourage others to do the same. I can't even remember how many times I've seen a random tweet about someone looking for something or having an interest in something and I've had links to point them towards. Half the time it's people I've barely even interacted with.
Social media is here to be social with, so why shouldn't we?
Has social media helped you accomplish things you may not have been able to before?? Please, share some stories in the comments section or just leave a message if you have something to say about my thought process here.